Copying, Deleting, Renaming a Presentation

This topic describes how to copy, delete, rename an existing Presentation.


To copy a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, click on the burger icon  () in the upper right corner of the Presentation you want to copy
  2. Click on "Save as"
  3. Choose a name for the copied Presentation
  4. Click "OK". The Presentation will open and a round pop up window will allow you to access it in Play it or Edit mode.



To delete a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, click on the Presentation you want to delete
  2. From the round pop up window, choose "Edit" to open the Presentation in Edit mode
  3. Click on the recycle bin icon at the top of the left panel
  4. A confirmation pop-up window will appear, click "YES" to delete the Presentation.

Please bear in mind that, once a Presentation is deleted, it cannot be recovered.
You can also open a Presentation in Edit mode directly from the Presentations homepage: to do so, click on the burger icon  () in the upper right corner of the Presentation and then click on the pencil icon.



To rename a Presentation, proceed as follows:

  1. From the homepage of the Presentations section, click on the Presentation you want to delete
  2. From the round pop up window, choose "Edit" to open the Presentation in Edit mode
  3. Click on the pencil icon at the top of the left panel to reveal the Presentation properties panel on the right
  4. Rename the Presentation by editing the Title field

You can also open a Presentation in Edit mode directly from the Presentations homepage: to do so, click on the burger icon  () in the upper right corner of the Presentation and then click on the pencil icon.



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