Data Entry Shortcuts

When performing data entry, you can now use shortcuts.

To use shortcuts just type the shortcut instead of the number when performing dataentry.


Shortcut Meaning Example
K Enters the value in thousands 3K enters 3000
M Enters the value in millions 5m enters 5000000
+ Adds to the value +10 in a cell containing 10 enters 20
~ Subtracts to the value ~10 in a cell containing 20 enters 10
per, pct Enters the given percentage of the value per10 in a cell containing 2000 enters 200
inc Increases the value of a given percentage inc10 in a cell containing 2000 enters 2200
dec Decreases the value of a given percentage dec10 in a cell containing 2000 enters 1800
pow Raises the value to the exponent given pow2 in a cell containing 5 enters 25
> Fills cells to the right with the same input value >100 will fill all the cells on the right with 100


Data entry shortcuts can be used in the Lock&Spread (linkare) advanced windows


For example let's input >100 in a dataentry.




Press enter:




100 has been copied on all the cells to the right.