Procedure actions reference

The actions configuration panel contains one tab per type of action.



Go To. Controls the execution flow of the procedure. Allows to go to another screen or Capsule, jump to a group (with conditional branching, if-then-else, close the current screen, procedure or Capsule.


Select. Performs selections on entities, in order to control the scope of other subsequent actions such as refreshing the screen reports or performing a Data Flow calculation on the specified entities range.


Process. Allows to run calculations on cubes, for example calculate an Amount cube by multiplying Price and Quantity cubes, or calculate an allocation of a fixed cost based on other cubes used as allocation drivers. Allows to clear and align cube versions, clear the content of an entity.


Reporting. Manages output functions for printing and exporting reports, and broadcasting reports via e-mail.


Launch. Invokes another Board Procedure or an external program.


Data Read. Runs Data Reader protocols to update the Board database (cubes, entities and relationships) and normalize hierarchies.


Extract. Allows to extract to a flat text file or XML file a cube, an entity a hierarchy or a report.


Advanced. Miscellaneous actions :  Save and Undo actions of an ATO screen.



More. Miscellaneous actions including:



Now in all configurations of a path, for example the Export actions or in Datareader actions, it is possible to use Windows environment variables (i.e. "%userprofile%\desktop\document.docx"). The environment variable is resolved by the Board Client or the Board Server, depending on which party is executing the action. Datareaders and Extracts are executed by the Board Server, but exports of objects, printing and broadcasting are executed by the BoardClient. Note that it is also possible to include a  substitution forumla in the name (or path) of a file, for example,  (i.e. "%userprofile%\desktop\document_@user.docx").

Copying ad pasting actions

From the Procedure designer window, it is possible to copy and paste actions within the same procedures or between different procedures: open the Action and use the Copy and Paste buttons.