Board 11.3.0 Release Notes

What's New in Board 11.3.0


Entity Custom Sort

In every version of board default entity sort option can be set by

Board 11.3 allows a new option named Custom+


Custom sort can be activated selecting the item "Custom from the drop down list Sort By





Once activated the sort can be customized in two ways:

1) Manually from the content tab:

Drag and drop the element to the position it will have in the list, for example you can move the first element in position 3 by dragging it from the top to the third position. Use the six dot icon on the left to drag an element. You may also decide the position of the element by inputting a value in the  order field: for example if you want to move the first element in third position by inputting a 3 in the order field of the first element.




2) Via Datareader:

When at least one entity sort option is defined as "Custom" then a checkbox will appear when creating new datareaders. "Sorting entity members".

Once you set that checkbox only the entity fields can be used in the datareader. It won't be possible to add new items on the entity but this protocol will only be able to set the order of the items. The order in the file/query that the dr will read will be used in the custom sort.



Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart object has been added on the web application. A Gantt chart is a useful graphical tool which shows activities or tasks performed against time. It is commonly used as visual representation of a project by breaking down activities and displayed on a chart which makes it is easy to understand and interpret.




The object is available on the toolboxes list on the web editor. The configuration of the object remains consistent with all standard Board layout. Note that the activities are defined in the axes, while the blocks determine the display properties of the graph.


The layout configuration has the following constrains:


Toolbox settings:




Start date: start date of the activity. Required field.

End date: end date of the activity. Required field.

Progress: shows percentage of tasks that have been completed

Dependencies: shows dependencies, which simply means the links among various activities. A block in text format, must indicate the code of the interconnected activity

Task image: by a blob cube, its possible display an icon on the task line

Colors: alert block to determine the color of the activity line


The Tree Node Chart object has been added on the web application. A Tree diagram is a type of graphic organizer that shows how items are related to one another.



The object is available on the toolboxes list on the web editor. The configuration of the object remains consistent with all standard Board layout. Tree levels are defined by entities on the axis, while the blocks determine the elements displayed in the box.




Once the row axis is defined, a box that contains all the blocks defined in the layout is shown for each of the occurrences of that entity. Each block is shown in the layout editor as a rectangle that can be positioned and resized inside the box.

The layout configuration has the following constrains:

From the properties of the object it is possible to define the level of aggregation during the first visualization, the style and the direction in which the tree will be represented (left to right/ top to bottom )

New Map Objects

Geo Map

It is now possible to upload a GeoJSON file on the Geo Map object. The upload option is available on the GeoMap settings once in edit mode on a screen.




Once the user has clicked on the upload option the configuration wizard opens:





From there it is possible to upload the GeoJSON file to create the JSON  library available for the map configuration.

On the left side of the wizard it is possible to configure the behavior of the map using the JSON files. In particular it is possible to configure the maximum zoom levels from 0 to 19. It is then possible to organize the JSON layers that corresponds to some of the zoom levels.




In the above example a JSON map has been set up for the first zoom level (0) and another JSON map on the fifth zoom level. Then, when a user is zooming on the map, it shows a JSON map layer according to this configuration.

This results in what you see below: zoom level 0 on the first image and zoom level 5 on the second image.






The Layout configuration supports now both, showing Bubbles are Map Areas.

For Bubbles the configuration is the same as it was in previous versions (Latitude and Longitude Blocks)




For Map Areas the configuration can be done by Latitude and Longitude Blocks OR using mapping the by Row Entity / Text Block to the ID of the SVG areas in the map. Both options support blocks to fill the color and opacity.




Svg Map

It is now possible to upload a SVG file on the SVG Map object. The Upload option is available on the SVG Map settings once in edit mode on a screen.




Once the upload option is clicked, the configuration wizard is activated:




From there it is possible to upload the SVG file to create the SVG library available for the map configuration.

On the left side of the wizard it's where it is possible to configure the behavior of the SVG map using the SVG files. In particular it is possible to configure the maximum zoom levels from 0 to 19. Then it is possible to organize the SVG layers that corresponds to some of the zoom levels.




In the above example a SVG map has been set up for the first zoom level (0) and another JSON map on the second zoom level. When a user zooms on the map, a JSON map layer according to this configuration.




The Layout settings is used for the configuration of the SVG Map




It is possible to either map the by Row entity to the ID Field of the SVG Objects or this mapping can be retrieved by a text block. Drill and Master are only available when using the by Row Entity.

Additionally, hovering a users cursor over the object will display a tooltip using the visible blocks from the Layout.

Impact Analysis

Impact analysis is new tool that allows to view the relationships between all objects and structures that constitute a Board application. This tool is very powerful for identifying the potential impact  a change to the application may have or in understanding what should be done before making such a change.

This feature is available under the Data Model section on the Impact Analysis tile.




Clicking on the impact tile, the wizard will be taken to the configuration area of the tool.

A list of all objects that can be assessed is displayed. (cubes, entities, procedures, data readers, rule, entity format, capsule)

In the WHAT column the user must indicate which elements they would like to analyze. In the LINKED TO column the user must select which relations they would like to view.





Clicking on analysis, the system will show all relations through a dynamic circular network chart.




Through the left menu it is possible to filter each object, indicating the elements to be displayed.

Full text search dialog

A new full text search function has been implemented. The function is available in the search bar of the capsule browser or simply pressing CTRL + SHIFT + F.

This search function returns the results looking into the capsules and presentations available on that environment. It is possible to limit the search to a specific set of capsules available on the environment

The search is indexed on the back end and the indexing it is not executed at any user search action. The indexing runs following the search engine settings. The settings can be configured on the system administration section.




The available configuration parameters can be accessed through the Search Engine Settings tile as per the following screen shot:




Indexing delay: It is possible to set up a delay before to run the search engine after the start of the Board engine. It is also possible to configure a delay that is applied to the search engine after any capsule modification.

Search box behavior: this setting affects the behavior of the search box. It defines how many characters needs to be typed in the box to trigger the search.


The search Engine can be disabled. It is suggested to keep it disabled during the development phase to avoid to many search engine runs. It is also possible to decide which capsule are included in the search and which one are excluded.



A new set of BOARD API calls has been implemented. There are 3 sets of API calls available:


The detailed list of the API calls is shown below:




The API call is divided into 2 steps:


In order to enable the use of an API call, it is mandatory to create an API Client. An API client is a Board User dedicated to the API calls.

It is possible to create an API Client user from the Users section on the system administrator tab.




The API client requires the following parameters to be defined:


The authentication then follows the OAuth2 standard. Then an authorization token must be generated.

The token returned from this request is the one that must be used to manage the authentication in the API requests. To get the token you need to set the following additional parameters



Important Notice

The BOARD APIs are available for both BOARD Cloud and On-Premise customers. Any API user created is consuming a BOARD license (according to the assigned security profile). There is a limit on the number of call available on a BOARD instance: there are maximum 500 calls per day an 10 calls per second available.


Other Enhancements


Some enhancements have been introduced on the reporting functionality. While accessing the print screen options it is possible to:












Data Entry Warning

When a user is performing data entry on a view and there re some pending changes (not committed yet), the system is notifying the user if it's navigating in another screen or changing a selection.

Below 2 warning messages received when a user is trying to act on the selector object when a data entry is pending and when it tries to refresh the screen data:






Block Format of the Header Borders

It is now possible to customise the borders size and color of the column headers through the block formatting options of the dataview:





Sliding toolbar customization

It is now possible to configure which options are available  on the slinding toolbar. The configuration panel is accessible from the gear icon when in edit mode on the object.




Minor Changes




UPDATE (04/11/2020):

A new patch has been released. The patch includes fixes for the following topics:


UPDATE (12/01/2021):

New Patch available!

The new installers include fixes for the following topics:


Important Notice

Board 11.3 requires .NET framework 4.8, Board installer will automatically install this version of the framework.
.NET Framework 4.8 is mandatory for version 11.3 or higher